HomeYogaKirtan: The Easy Meditation That Can Improve Your Brain

Kirtan: The Easy Meditation That Can Improve Your Brain

Kirtan is a devotional and meditative practice that involves repetitive chanting of mantras, hymns or divine names, often accompanied by music and singing. It is a fundamental component of Bhakti Yoga. Kirtan as a form of Bhakti Yoga is rooted in ancient Hindu scriptures and traditions. Bhakti Yoga is one of the main paths of yoga in Hinduism, focuses on devotion and love for the divine.

While doing bhajan and kirtan we achieve a positive impact on mind. It assumes a form of meditation that offers a unique and accessible path to mental wellbeing and brain improvement. Unlike traditional practices that may require hours of silence, focus and stillness, Kirtan meditation is collective chanting of mantras and devotional songs. Engaging in Kirtan can be a spiritually enriching experience, promoting a sense of inner peace. This melodious meditation not only soothes the mind but have also known to reduce the stress, enhance focus and improve overall cognitive function. It offers an entry point for those seeking mental clarity and emotional harmony in a world filled with noise and distractions.

Kirtan can be considered an “easy” meditation yoga technique in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to individuals who may find traditional silent meditation challenging or prefer a more active and participatory approach to achieving meditative states. Kirtan doesn’t require extensive meditation yoga experience or the ability to sit in prolonged stillness. It’s a practice that individuals, including beginners, can easily engage in. You don’t need any specific skills or training to participate in Kirtan. It’s a practice that anyone can join, regardless of musical abilities or previous meditation experience. The music, rhythm, and devotional nature of Kirtan contribute to a joyful and uplifting atmosphere. This positivity can make the experience  of meditation yoga in Melbourne more enjoyable and less daunting for beginners.

Here are some examples of how Kirtan can be a relatively straightforward meditation technique:

Repetition of Mantras: In Kirtan, participants chant or sing simple mantras or sacred phrases repetitively. This repetition can serve as a focal point for meditation, making it accessible for those who struggle with clearing their minds in silent meditation.

Guided by Music: Kirtan is often accompanied by music and singing, creating a soothing and melodic environment. The music helps to guide participants in their meditation, making it easier for them to stay present and focused.

Collective Energy: Kirtan is commonly practiced in a group setting, where participants feed off the collective energy and shared experience. The sense of unity and support from others can create a conducive atmosphere for meditation.

Emotional Connection: The devotional aspect of Kirtan encourages emotional expression and connection. Participants can express their feelings of love, devotion, and gratitude, which can be a form of heart-centered meditation.

Mindful Presence: The repetitive nature of Kirtan encourages mindfulness and presence in the moment. Participants become deeply engaged in the act of chanting or singing, which helps calm the mind and reduce mental chatter.

Open to All: Kirtan is open to people of all ages and backgrounds, making it inclusive and approachable for those with no prior meditation experience.

Let me give you a example of how of Kirtan lead to a Meditative state:

Imagine you are sitting in a circle with a group of people in a Kirtan session. The leader starts singing a simple mantra. As you join in, the collective singing and the rhythmic music create a harmonious and meditative atmosphere. You close your eyes, focus on the mantra, and allow your mind to become absorbed in the sound and the shared energy of the group. As you continue chanting, you experience a sense of inner peace, connection, and a shift in your state of consciousness. This is an example of how Kirtan can be a form of easy meditation that combines music, mantra repetition, and collective participation to achieve meditative states.

In summary, Kirtan’s accessibility, engagement of the heart, joyful nature, and immediate experiential benefits make it an easy and inviting meditation practice, particularly for those who may find traditional silent meditation challenging. The music, rhythm, and devotional nature of Kirtan contribute to a joyful and uplifting atmosphere. This positivity can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and less daunting for beginners. Kirtan is versatile and can be adapted to personal preferences.

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